SOSDF to capitalise on the Queensland Parliamentary Inquiry into Social Isolation and Loneliness

Save OurSons Duchenne Foundation (SOSDF) thanks all Queensland families and youngpeople who have participated in our recent consultation process for theQueensland Parliamentary Inquiry into Social Isolation and Loneliness. Yourinput enabled us to develop a highly impactful and insightful submission whichraises a number of key issues for the consideration of the QueenslandGovernment.
In short,our community identified the lack of services and opportunities for connectionas amongst key ongoing concerns. Furthermore, the education system, somecommunity, transport and social facilities, and the outdoor culture generallywere identified by our community as not being inclusive enough of people withdisabilities.
With majorbuilding and construction works on the agenda, SOSDF has recommended that theBrisbane Olympic/Paralympic games, be utilised as an opportunity to address anyphysical, social and cultural barriers which are currently limiting access andinclusion for the Duchenne and Becker community. To repeat the words of QueenslandPremier Anna Palaszczuk on the Olympics “This is our Time to Shine”. SOSDFcould not agree more.