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Explore our range of free resources, designed to provide helpful information and support. You can order them at no cost—simply add them to your cart and check out—or download them instantly. This page is regularly updated with new materials, so check back often to find the latest resources to meet your needs.
Explore our range of free resources, designed to provide helpful information and support. You can order them at no cost—simply add them to your cart and check out—or download them instantly. This page is regularly updated with new materials, so check back often to find the latest resources to meet your needs.

Gene Therapy pipeline for Duchenne muscular dystrophy from an Australian perspective
On Thursday 29 August 2024, Save Our Sons Duchenne Foundation hosted a webinar that discusses the gene therapy pipeline for Duchenne muscular dystrophy from an Australian perspective.The webinar discussed how clinicians across Australia are working together to support equitable approaches for clinical trial patient recruitment. Presenters included, Dr Ian Woodcock from the Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne, andDr Michelle Lorentzos from the Sydney Children's Hospitals Network.

Pegaso-A-Cough® IPV Information Webinar Recording
This Webinar will provide an introduction to Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilation (IPV) specifically using the Pegaso-A-Cough® device. It discuss its role in Airway Clearance in the context of proximal (upper airway, cough clearance) and peripheral (lower lung secretion) clearance. Its mechanism of action in providing breathing support while mobilising secretions will be explained.