Victorian Taxi Scheme (MPTP)
SOSDF has made a submission on behalf of the Duchenne and Becker community into the Victorian multi-purpose taxi program which is currently the subject of a parliamentary inquiry following the extension of the scheme to rideshare companies.The Victorian MPTP is a critical part of the transport infrastructure for Duchenne and Becker families and the broader disability community providing a range of important travel concessions. While there is a need to increase the efficiency and number of wheelchair modified vehicles available to our community, a number of safety issues and concerns have nonetheless arisen with the extension of the scheme which need to be addressed. Driver training in disability awareness is one of the key recommendations made by SOSDF following community input. In addition, we are seeking mandatory police and working with children checks and an increase in the number of wheelchair accessible vehicles in the taxi and rideshare fleets. A full copy of the SOSDF submission can be found at: