Pegaso-A-Cough® IPV Information Webinar

Date: Monday 19 June 2023

Time: 7:00PM(AEST)

Hosted by: Joanne Leavitt - Advanced Physiotherapist - 

Respiratory from Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service

Registration Closing Date: Sunday 18 June 2023

Pegaso-A-Cough® IPV- To use or not to use? 

– How it fits in with an Airway Clearance program.

This Webinar will provide an introduction to Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilation (IPV) specifically using the Pegaso-A-Cough® device. It will discuss its role in Airway Clearance in the context of proximal (upper airway, cough clearance) and peripheral (lower lung secretion) clearance. Its mechanism of action in providing breathing support while mobilising secretions will be explained. Several clinical examples will demonstrate when IPV could be useful, when it should be used and when IPV is not necessary or could even be detrimental. Guidelines will be provided to assist in knowing which types of respiratory equipment may be needed and when to discuss with your Respiratory doctor and/or Respiratory Physiotherapist.

This Webinar is suitable for individuals with Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy, their families and caregivers and we encourage physiotherapists to attend and learn more.

Registration Closed